
She Never Ever Calls or Texts. Exactly why is She Quickly Ignoring Me?

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Reader matter:

We’ve known one another for decades and not long ago I relocated away from her area. I tried to not allow the range change anything and continued my heavy flirtation via day-to-day texts and constant calls.

It seemed we had been just starting to really destroy for each different. I poured my cardiovascular system out over her. She ended up telling me personally this lady has emotions personally too but doesn’t want as of yet because we’d never see both. I recently figured We’ll wait a little for the girl. A few days then, I get no reaction. She never calls, messages or something.

Exactly why is she all of a sudden overlooking me?

-Thomas (Colorado)

Dr. Wendy Walsh’s Solution:

Dear Thomas,

The woman is disregarding you because she just left you.

I am aware you may want to maintain relationship, although she does not want as of yet, nevertheless the flirtatious nature of one’s interaction is unacceptable for a platonic friendship.

Wait sometime — weeks or several months — right after which talk to this lady in a nonsexual, professional mannerism.

May very well not save the connection or even the friendship, but it is well worth a try.

No counseling or psychotherapy information: The Site doesn’t supply psychotherapy advice. This site is supposed just for usage by consumers in search of general info of interest regarding problems individuals may deal with as individuals and in interactions and related subject areas. Content material isn’t designed to replace or serve as substitute for pro assessment or solution. Contained findings and views should not be misunderstood as specific counseling information.

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